1·Once the backup has taken over control, start the admin console again.
2·Once the backup has taken over control, run the llstatus and LLQ command on the backup as user loadl.
3·Have taken over control the majority of lands to the end of November plant and the animal, the Earth become active.
4·Over the past three years, he's taken control of Chrysler, mapping a grand alliance between the brands, including a return to the U.S..
5·It is now being taken over by Volkswagen, its erstwhile target in a drawn-out takeover battle, after buckling under the weight of debt and derivatives it took on in a bid to wrest control of VW.
大众是保时捷旷日持久的收购战中的早期收购目标。 此前,保时捷为控制大众持有了大量债券和衍生品,却最终被压垮。
6·Every measure taken to establish more complete control over the former has a pernicious effect on the latter.
7·Great care had to be taken with the control systems for a powered trailer because, when turning, it can push the tractor unit over.
8·Until recently, the last checkpoint here was under Russian control, but now Georgian security forces have taken over.
9·Third, China has constantly strengthened the control over the exports of weaponries for anti-proliferation purposes and taken an active part in international anti-proliferation process.
10·You may lose your substantial control over the information, and may be subject to others to be taken in the name of your actions are legally binding constraints.